Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical literature on impact of training and development on employee review

Critical on impact of training and development on employee job performance - Literature review Example Reference 11 Bibliography 12 Introduction The main purpose of the project is to bring forth a critical analysis of the impact of training and development programs on the performance of employees in organisations. Human Resources have played a major role in the economic development of a number of nations. Nations like Britain, Japan and USA have demonstrated immense economic growth in this regard (Brewster, Mayrhofer & Morley, 2004, p.17). Thus, it implies that nations would attain greater and faster economic development on the grounds that they pay greater attention to train its human resources. The project presents the supporting as well as the opposing views on this subject by using relevant literature. Research Question The present research seeks to find the impact of training and development programs on the performance of employees in organisations. The research question is as follows: Do training and development programs improve job performance of employees in organisations? Literature Review Overview of Training In order to maintain a sustainable economic growth as well as an effective performance, the employees’ contribution towards the goals and objectives of the organisation is required to be optimized. Leading writers have emphasised and recognised the importance and requirement of training as the central role played by the management in organisations. Drucker, (1998), have commented that one of the major contributions expected from the managers is to set the vision for the employees and also enhance their ability to perform (Laing, 2009, p.17). The very first step in the designing of a training and development program includes conducting a needs assessment. It includes assisting the new recruits in the workplace with the necessary skills and responsibilities (Kuther & Morgan, 2009, p.103). It is crucial to identify the need in this regard which can be done in several manners. Generally, it is identified as the gap between the present position and which is needed now and also in future (Miller & Osinski, 2002, p.1). The gaps include discrepancies between what the organisation wants and what actually occurs. It is also determined by the difference between the current and the desired performance of employees. The difference between the present and the desired competencies of employees also gives an estimate about the training needs. Several views were collected pertaining to the identification of the key drivers of the training initiatives like the training quality, inputs, extent of interaction and targets over the last few years. The results revealed that the most important determinants were ‘health and safety’, ‘technical changes’ and ‘customer service’. It implies that organisations were primarily found to be using training and development programs for retaining and motivating employees and also for providing the necessary skills and knowledge to the employees to keep themselves at par with the changes in technology and customer service (Miller & Osinski, 2002, p.1). The Training and Development Process In order to ensure that the new and also the experienced employees have the required knowledge and skills for successful performance of their jobs, organisations undertake investments in training programs. Research reveals that the organisations’ productivity bea rs a direct relation with the amount of investments it makes on employees (Bohlander & Snell, 2009, p.306). Recently, Merrill Lynch completely overhauled its training program towards the financial advisors to ensure they would be in a better position to serve their clients. The program included training of â€Å"Monte Carlo analysis†

Monday, October 28, 2019

Maslow’s theory Essay Example for Free

Maslow’s theory Essay There is an interrelationship between Maslow’s theory and Herzberg’s theory. These two theories have a similarity in that both of them suggest employee satisfaction as a motivation factor. Form the above discussion, it is possible to tell that Herzberg cites esteem needs and self-actualization needs from Maslow’s theory as the motivators. Others needs do not cause motivation and failure to address them in the organization setting only leads to dissatisfaction. Criticisms Maslow’s theory Several criticisms exist about Maslow’s motivation theory. To begin with, there is limited scientific evidence if any to support the above theory. Furthermore, personal need priorities may not be in the order given by Maslow. For example, there is a possibility of social needs coming before security needs since one must belong to a society in the first place. Another criticism is that people do not necessarily satisfy each level of need at a time. Needs tend to conflict such that a person may be motivated to achieve different needs at the same time or make priorities depending on the urgency of each need. Maslow’s theory is therefore general and does not consider individual differences. Herzberg’s theory Herzberg’s theory does not also consider individual differences when analyzing factors that cause satisfaction and those that cause dissatisfaction. One dissatisfaction factor may be a motivator for someone else and vise versa. For example, increased responsibility could be a dissatisfier for someone who is resistant to change. Again Hertzber’s model is too simplistic and only addresses factors that people would consider normal motivational factors in any workplace setting. Describe goal setting theory. Explain how this theory can be applied to performance appraisal and compensation This is a motivational theory developed by Edwin Locke. It is actually an improvement of the final causality theory advanced by Aristotle which put forth that purpose can lead to action. According to Locke, an individual’s behavior is to a large extent influenced by their ambitions and goals (Latham and Locke, 2002). For this reason, goals significantly improve performance. Most individuals set goals in anticipation for something; usually a reward to be obtained after achieving the set goal. Goals can be said to affect performance in three different ways (Latham and Locke, 2002). Firstly, they narrow an individual’s attention so that all efforts are directed towards activities that are relevant to achieving the set goals. Similarly, irrelevant or undesirable activities are avoided. Secondly, goals increase effort as individuals strive to achieve the set goal so as to gain the expected reward. Thirdly, goals help individuals to develop persistence. In other words, they become more willing to work even in the midst of challenges and setbacks. Goal setting is guided by factors known as moderators (Latham and Locke, 2002). These include goal –commitment, attainability and self-efficacy. In order to attain a certain goal, an individual must be ready to face every challenge that he or she finds on the way. Commitment depicts the need to achieve no matter what the circumstances. Set goals must also be attainable so that individuals must not set goals that cannot be reached. Finally, self-efficacy must be present for goals to be achieved. This refers to the ability to act in a certain way so as to be able to achieve set objectives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

panama canal :: essays research papers

The Panama Canal is one of the greatest works of engineering and modern achievements of mankind. An all-water passage through the continental divide of the Panama region had been suggested since early Spanish colonial times of the 16th century. The reality of a canal through the Isthmus of Panam In the 16th century, Europeans dreamed of building a ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Spanish kings considered building a canal to carry treasure from their South American colonies back to Spain, but no attempt was made. Such a project only became possible in the 19th century, wPart of Teddy Roosevelt’s dream of making America a global power was realized through the construction of the Panama Canal. The French began construction in 1880 but nine years and about 20,000 lives later they realized their plans were flawed and abandoned the project. Panama declared independencThe history of the Panama Canal goes back to the 16th century. After realizing the riches of Peru, Ecuador, and Asia, and realizing how long it took the gold to reach the ports of Spain, someone suggested to Charles V, that by cutting out a piece of land somewhere in Panama,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The year is 1835, and an announcement is mad eby a group of American busnessmen. This announcement is of their intention to build a canal system on the ithsmus of landformerly known as Norhtern Calumbia. That land is now known as Panama. The citizens of the U.S. at that time were i  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Panama Canal is a waterway that cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and links the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It ranks as one of the greatest engineering achievements in the world. Thousands of laborers worked on it for about 10 years, using steam shovels and dredgesIs it really worth building a canal in Nicaragua? With news of Nicaragua adopting the idea of a dry canal the first question that should come to mind is, is it really worth building a canal in Nicaragua? Many people look at Panama with its enviable economy and say that Nicaragua needs a canal but thThe canal is joining the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cry The Beloved Country and Apartheid Essay -- Cry the Beloved Country

The novel Cry the Beloved Country was a prophecy for the future of South Africa. It alludes to and sometimes even blatantly states the conditions necessary for the end of apartheid and the beginning of peace. South Africa in the 1940's was in trouble. Kumalo, a priest, was able to see through the prejudices of the world and assess the situation. When inconvenient to involve Kumalo in the investigation, the depth of South Africa's disparity was illustrated directly through the stories of horrifying happenings in character's conversations. Finally, we see that Msimangu was Paton's voice in the novel. When certain conditions were met Msimangu [and Paton] theorized that peace would finally be plausible in South Africa. As the reader begins to observe the problems, so to will they begin to realize the solutions, and such is the goal of this prophetic novel. Kumalo's constant questing helped to reveal the conditions that plagued South Africa. His particular naivete and trust in mankind was shattered as he was robbed upon first arriving in Johannesburg. We also see that, because of his strong commitment to being a priest, he was not afraid to "dig deep" and talk people into going in directions they didn't want to go. When he was talking to his brother when he first met him in Johannesburg, he continued to reproach him about the customs of Johannesburg, which consequently were revealed neatly. For instance, after asking a few questions, Kumalo requested to know how Johannesburg could be so radically different that it's existence should nullify all the customs of their people. John's response laid out the freedom and slavery being presented by the white man. On one hand, the people of Ndotsheni "are nobody", but when mov... ...eriences of Johannesburg, with a few exceptions. These are the ones who break the customs because they do not believe in them: The man who helped Msimangu and Kumalo when they were walking without a bus, Jarvis and his about face, and the young boy who talked so interestedly with Kumalo. These exceptions are highlighted by Msimangu's words and represent the hope of South Africa. South Africa's fate under the hammer of segregation was uncertain as of the writing of Cry the Beloved Country, and yet Alon Paton was still sure change would come. Kumalo witnessed the disparity of the people and objectively presented these facts to the reader. Stories present in conversation brought up directly issues that would otherwise be difficult to come about in normal conversation. Paton expressed his views and solutions to the problems through the character Msimangu.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nvq Health and Socail Care Level 3 Assignment204 a

Abuse Physical Abuse What is physical abuse? Physical abuse is any abuse involving the use of force, this can be: Punching, hitting, slapping, pinching, kicking, in fact any form of physical attack Burning or scalding Restraint such as tying up or tying people to beds or furniture Refusal to allow access to toilet facilities Deliberate starvation or force feeding Leaving the individuals in wet or soiled clothing or bedding as a deliberate act to demonstrate power and strength of the abuser Excessive or inappropriate use of medicationA carer causing illness or injury to someone he or she cares for in order to gain attention Signs and symptoms associated with Physical abuse Pepper pot bruising-small bruises, usually on the chest, caused by poking with the finger or pulling of the clothes tightly. Finger-marks-often on arms or shoulders. Bruising in areas not normally bruised such as inside of thighs and arms. Marks on wrists, upper arms or legs which could be from tying to a bed or fur niture. Burns or scalds in unusual areas such as soles of feet, inside thighs. Ulcers, sores or rashes caused by wet bedding or clothing.Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Loss of interest in appearance. Loss of confidence. Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Sexual abuse What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse is the act in which sexual act have taken place without the persons consent. This can consist of: Sexual penetration of any part of the body with a penis, finger or any object Touching inappropriate parts of the body or any other form of sexual contact without the informed agreement of the individual Sexual exploitationExposure to, or involvement in, pornographic or erotic material Exposure to, or involvement in, sexual rituals Making sexual related comments or references which provide sexual gratification for the abuser Making threats about sexual activities. Signs and symptoms associated with Sexual abuse Marks on wrists, upper arms or legs which could be from tying to a bed or furniture. Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Loss of interest in appearance. Loss of confidence. Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Unusual sexual behaviour.Blood marks on underclothes. Recurrent genital/urinary infections. Emotional/psychological abuse What is Emotional/psychological abuse? All the other forms of abuse also have an element of emotional abuse. Any situation which means that an individual becomes a victim of abuse at the hands of someone he or she trusted is, unavoidably, going to cause emotional distress. However, some abuse is purely emotional – there are no physical, sexual or financial elements involved. This abuse can take the form of: Humiliation, belittling, putting down Withdrawing or refusing affection Bullying Shouting or swearingMaking insulting or abusive remarks Racial abuse Constant teasing and poking fun. Signs and symptoms associated with Emotional/psychological abuse Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Loss of interest in appearance. Loss of confidence. Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Becoming afraid of making decisions. Flinching or appearing afraid of close contact. Financial abuse What is financial abuse? Many service users are very vulnerable to financial abuse, particularly those who may have a limited understanding of money matters.Financial abuse, like all other forms of abuse, can be inflicted by family members and even friends as well as care workers or informal carers, and can take a range of forms such as: Stealing money or property Allowing or encouraging others to steal money or property Tricking or threatening individuals into giving away money or property Persuading individuals to take financial decisions which are not in their interests Withholding money, or refusing access to money Refusing to allow individu als to manage their own financial affairs Failing to support individuals to manage their own financial affairs. WHERE HAS IT GONESigns and symptoms associated with financial abuse Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Missing cash or belongings, or bank accounts with unexplained withdrawals. Missing bank account records. Sudden change in attitude to financial matters. Institutional abuse What is Institutional Abuse? Institutional abuse is a type of systematic and organised abuse that mostly goes on in residential and hospital settings However, individuals can be abused in many other ways in settings where they could expect to be cared for and protected.For example: Individuals in residential settings are not given choice over day-to-day decisions such as mealtimes, bedtimes, Freedom to go out is limited by the institutional Privacy and dignity are not respected Personal correspondence i s opened by staff The setting is run for the convenience of staff, and not service users Excessive or inappropriate doses of sedation/medication are given Access to advice and advocacy is restricted or not allowed Complaints procedures are deliberately made unavailable. â€Å"Do you what Me? †Ã¢â‚¬Å"Just reach for me† â€Å"You can’tReach† â€Å"tough luck then I will just sit here† Signs and symptoms associated with Institutional abuse Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Self-Neglect What is Self-Neglect? Many people neglect themselves when they are ill or depressed and unable to make the effort or some people neglect themselves as they feel incapable of looking after themselves. Working out when someone is neglecting themselves can be very difficult. Self-neglect can show in many of ways: Lack of personal hygieneLack of care about appearance and clo thing Failure to eat, or to buy food Failure to maintain a clean living environment Not bothering or refusing to obtain medical help Unwillingness to accept any support with daily living Unwillingness to see people or to go out. Signs and symptoms associated with Self neglect Sleeping problems. Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Appearance Neglect by others What is Neglect by Others? This occurs when either a care worker or an informal carer fails to meet the care needs of a person.Neglect can happen because those responsible for providing the care do not realise its importance, or because they cannot be bothered, or choose not, to provide it. As the result of neglect, individuals can become ill, hungry, cold, dirty, injured or deprived of their rights. Neglecting someone you are supposed to be caring for can mean failing to undertake a range of care services, for example: Not providing adequate food Not providing assistance with ea ting food if necessary Not ensuring that the individual is adequately clothed Leaving the individual aloneNot assisting an individual to meet mobility or communication needs Failing to maintain a clean and hygienic living environment Failing to obtain necessary medical/health-care support Not supporting social contacts Not taking steps to provide a safe and secure environment for the individual. Signs and symptoms associated with Neglect by others: Becoming withdrawn or anxious. Sleeping problems Change in eating habits. No longer laughing or joking. Feeling depressed or hopeless. Appearance What you should do if you suspicions that an individual is being abused.As a carer you would record any signs or symptoms of an individual being abused to the line manage, your line manager may ask you to fill in a body chart indicating the location and description of the injuries which would be kept in the office copy of their care plan, you would not document it in the running report in their home as this can be read by anyone. As a carer your observations may add to other observations noticed by other carers or members of the team this will help to safeguard the service user as the line manage will have documentation to refer to the social workers to help this erson What you should do if an individual alleges that they are being abused. You must assume the person is tell the truth, You must be careful not to ask any leading questions e. g. ‘and did he punch you? ‘ you just ask ‘ and what happened? ’ you use your communication and listening skills so that the individual knows that they can trust you, then you would record exactly what the individual says and the details of the situation, you would not write this in the running report it would be documented on a separate document E. g. iece of paper then you would sign and date it and report it to the line manager and you would give them the statement, so that they can take responsibility. If the individual ask you to keep it to yourself, You would explain to them that you have to report this to your line manager as it is your duty of care under to NO SECRET policy and that the only people who will know are people who can help. Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved. You should always record details of the alleged/suspected abuse on a separate piece of paper and sign and date it, if any witnesses were present you should ask for their details e. . name and contact details and have them sign your document, if you have permission take photographic evidence of any physical injuries, collect all reports e. g. financial records, running reports, dietary reports and give it to you line manager so the information can be put into their care plan in a filing cabinet in the office and documented on the computer system National policies to safeguard individuals * Government Department of health – No secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agenc y policies and procedures to protect Vulnerable adults from abuse POVA Policy is there to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable people. Local and organisational systems for safeguarding Care Quality Commission (CQC, have a role in safeguarding. It is there to monitor care setting are followed policies and procedures correctly. If you feel that your company is not following these, you have the right to contact CQC and report them. Disclosure and Barring Service DBS was formed by merging together the functions of the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) under the Protection of FreedomsAct 2012. It started functioning on 1 December 2012 and it is there to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults Different agencies/services in safeguarding and protecting individuals The importance of commination between different care providers is very important to safeguarding an individual, there can be a lot of different care providers involved in the service user life, this are origination such as:- * social services e. g. social workers, care assistants, the police * health services e. g.Gps, nurses, health visitors * voluntary services e. g. NSPCC, Age UK All origination involved in a service user life, will appoint a person from the health and social care setting to oversee the safeguarding assessment and its outcome, they also inform the police regarding all safeguarding incidents; chairing meetings, including the agreement of responsibilities; actions and time scales; co- coordinating and monitoring investigations and overseeing the convening of safeguarding case and providing information and outcomes to the safeguarding co- predicator.Identify sources of information and advice about own role in safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse. As a carer you would get information and advice from your manager, you would go on training course every 12 months. you can also ge t information from the internet, leaflets or by contacting different agencies such as CQC, also I can look at the policies and procedures and agreed ways of working within the work place.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Term Paper Honor Killings In Jordan

Term Paper Honor Killings In Jordan Term Paper Honor Killings In Jordan Joslin Poole Dr. Leenerts ENGL 103-10 December 9, 2014 Honor Killings in Jordan Family honor is highly valued by the Jordanian people. In Jordan the family honor is preserved through the women. The way things work in Jordan is completely different from how it is in the USA. Actions taken in Jordan to preserve family honor would be seen as absurd in the United States. Jordanians go through extreme measures to show just how important the preservation of family honor is to them. In many cases the women who are suspected of violating their family honor will be murdered. These killings are seen as a way to restore the family’s honor, but many people are against honor killings. The honor killings that are taking place in Jordan are a very serious issue. The world needs to be informed about what exactly what is going on, why honor killings are wrong, and what the victims go through on a daily basis. The behavior of the women, especially young women, is what determines family honor in Jordan. Marriage is very important to the people of this country; women who are not married are seen as abnormal. Young, unmarried, working women are starting to become more common in this generation but the single life is still looked down upon. In her article â€Å"Women and Family Honor: The Face of Feminine Identity in Jordan† June Miller noted, â€Å"Unmarried young career women are phenomena of the new generation, and society is still quite uncomfortable with the idea† (12). There is absolutely no dating in Jordan. If there is any suspicion of a woman spending time alone with a man, people see it as a disgrace to her family. Even if a woman tried to date, it is very difficult to keep it a secret. In her article, â€Å"She Can Do No Wrong: Recent Failures in America’s Immigration Courts to Provide Women Asylum from Honor Crimes," Shira T. Shapiro states that, â€Å"In ge neral worldwide, 58 percent of [victims of honor killings] are killed for being too Western and 42 percent for allegedly committing a sexual impropriety† (308). In the most extreme cases, â€Å"a woman may become an honor crime victim for seeking a divorce, adultery, premarital sexual relations, pregnancy out of wedlock, refusing to consent to sexual relations (including forced prostitution), not fulfilling the demands of husbands, fathers, brothers, or other male relatives, or even interrupting man-to-man conversations† (Shapiro 298). Once families find out about this violation, that is when honor killings will take place. These killings are done by the fathers, brothers, or uncles, of the women and they are considered as a way to protect the family. The killings are also a result of fear that other sisters will not have the opportunity to be married because of the mistakes of one sister. The mothers of these women greatly approve of these honor killings; they believe that it is what is best for the family. They believe that they are removing the â€Å"black mark† from the family by going through with these honor killings and it is just something that must be done. The fact that Jordanian families are willing to kill women because they have compromised the honor of their family shows exactly how important family honor is to them. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a family that is respected, but the fear that honor killings have instilled in these women is ridiculous. Women are taking extreme measures to get away from their families because they are in fear for their lives. These women do not even have a chance to plead their case, if there is even the slightest suspicion of wrong doing there is a good chance that they will be killed. In her article, â€Å"She Can Do No Wrong: Recent Failures in America’s Immigration Courts to Provide Women Asylum from Honor Crimes," Shira T. Shapiro notes, â€Å"In 2007, the U.S. State Department reported that twenty-five percent of honor crime victims in Jordan were killed after a mere suspicion of involvement in an illicit relationship and only fifteen percent were

Monday, October 21, 2019

Shopping Diaries Brand New Flat Screen 47

Shopping Diaries Brand New Flat Screen 47 Before Shopping My mother and I have been toying with the idea of getting a brand new flat screen 47 inch TV for over a year now. After much debating, consideration, and internet searching, we finally decided that it was time to go shopping and make the purchase.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Shopping Diaries: Brand New Flat Screen 47-inch TV specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since this was like buying a new toy for a child, you can just imagine the excitement and eagerness that both of us felt as I drove us to the mall where all the appliance stores were located. Before we seriously buckled down to shopping, I remember feeling a tinge of apprehension. Were we really ready to make this purchase? Wasnt this just an impulse buy? Maybe we should sleep on it and come back another day? During the time when I was doing my internet research on the product, I had come to the realization that the amount of money needed to pu rchase the TV would probably pay for a semester of college for me. Not only that, but television technology advanced and came out with newer, more superior models to the previous flat screen TV releases on a 6 month basis. Making the item devalue practically the minute we plopped down our payment for it. Somehow I managed to convince myself otherwise and we trudged on in search of the perfect flat screen TV. Knowing that my mother was advancing in age and needed a larger screen TV in order to see the images on the screen, and that we already had a digital entertainment theater system set up at home, sans the correct TV set, were what probably helped me get over my initial apprehensions about buying the flat screen at this point in time. It may not be a necessity for me, since I spend most of my time at school, studying, or at work, but my mom, who is always at home, needs it for her own personal enjoyment. So who am I to prevent her from getting what she will enjoy the most? I can u se the set up when I have some free time anyway. After Shopping Okay, so here we are, sitting in the food court and enjoying an after shopping snack. We have finally made the purchase and both feel quite satisfied with our choice of an LG Scarlet 47 inch flat screen. We had actually lucked out at the appliance store because they had both a Samsung flat screen TV and an LG flat screen TV in the display area. These were the exact 2 brands that we were considering to buy and it was fantastic that we got to compare their visual output and other specs side by side. It made shopping and decision making a lot easier. Thanks to the internet research that I did previously, I was able to ask the salesman the proper questions about the items and get his opinion on the items, all things considered. Since we were shopping for opinions, he even went to the extent of asking his co-workers for their opinions on the 2 items, and later on, his store manager also weighed in with his opinion.Advertisin g Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The more opinions the better I always say. We finally settled on the LG flat screen because it had one thing that the Samsung flat screen did not have, a screen protector that would protect the pixels and bulbs from death in the event that the screen was accidentally hit by a sharp or blunt object at full force. The Samsung version would have dead pixels instantly. Since I had my mother with me, and the purchase was really being made for her, I felt that she was the best shopping companion that I could have brought with me. She helped me stay focused on what item we really wanted to get when my eyes would stray to the other product displays, and reminded me of the budget that we had to stick to. We had a pleasant time shopping together and enjoyed our time together because we both knew exactly what was needed and wanted at the time and had al ready discussed it before hand.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Deep POV

Deep POV Deep POV Deep POV By Maeve Maddox One of the advantages of belonging to a writers group is that every member has different strengths and areas of expertise. As a result, we are continually learning from one another. For example, I learned about Deep POV (Point of View) from one of my colleagues. I was already familiar with First Person, Third Person, and Omniscient, but the term Deep POV was unfamiliar to me. Now that I know about it, I strive to achieve it, but its not an easy technique to master. Another term for Deep POV is limited Third Person. Its a technique that infuses Third Person POV with the intimacy of First Person Unlike ordinary Third Person, limited Third Person does away with dialogue tags and verbs such as see, notice, understand, feel, realize and think, which suggest telling as opposed to showing. Compare the following passages. Both are written in Third Person. Judy ran down the alley. She thought she could hear footsteps behind her. She realized now that she should have stayed on the main street. Her tight skirt and high heels were slowing her down. Judy picked up her pace. Footsteps sounded in her ears. Imagination? Maybe, but what if that spooky-looking man at the corner had followed her into the alley? Damn this tight skirt. She could hardly move her knees, let alone run. And these heels! What had possessed her to buy anything this high? Momma warned her about vanity. Writing in limited Third Person usually involves the expenditure of more words, but, if done effectively, the extra words add to the readers enjoyment by pulling him more deeply into the events narrated. Deep POV is to the writer what method acting is to the actor. It requires the writer to submerge herself in the character from whose point of view a scene is being seen. It requires a casting off of all inhibitions. The writer becomes the character. A useful exercise for the writer who prefers to write in Third Person is to write a scene in First Person, and then change all the nouns and pronouns to Third Person. For more on Deep POV, check out these links: Karen Kelley (Update: no longer active) Women on Writing Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should Know50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of Usable Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Usable Websites - Essay Example Another site is that of This is a website that is used for personal finance. This website is fantastic in design because it guides users of the various forms of saving and transacting with money. it makes the whole process simple. New users take really minimal time to register for an account with them. It is very fast to use and makes use of web 2.0 technologies. It is interactive and is therefore categorized under web 2.0. Another website that is designed well is that of This is a website that is commonly used by many people for email services. The good thing that makes this site usable is that has simple features that make it simpler to use than other email services. It is possible to view Microsoft Office documents in mail attachments without changing the experience of the users. Some of the badly designed websites that make them not usable include With this website, the design is poor. It is not clear where the user will click in order to move around the website. Another issue with the website is that it is difficult to know where the home page located. The users find it hard to navigate around the website. There is poor interactivity of the site with components. It is far from being categorized as a web 2.0 (Dhillon & Mishra, 2007, p. 34). Another poor website that is poor in This website is poorly designed because the owner is a businessman who has many enterprises and probably wants us to know about these ventures. It is difficult to start. The last website that needs to be looked into is that which is also poorly designed. There is no order of information. This site is not laid down correctly as there are many issues that should be looked into that should reflect the requirements of the website.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Manging organizastion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Manging organizastion - Essay Example Psychology is the study of human mind and their behaviors. Without this, managers would likely confront the difficulties and dilemma in understand and predicting the responses of employees, especially in time when changes are introduced. Workers, regardless of nationalities and their personal orientations, illustrate their responses to stimulus depending on their principles, social influences, and cultures (Senaratne, et al., 2008; Kotler et al., 1979). The substances of their responses can be understood when they started articulating their position to an issue or to intervening changes (Shore, 2009). As psychology is focused on the science of human behavior, psychology offers a variety of theories that can help managers understand the considerations of human behaviors. Ajzen (1991) have pointed that human actions are governed by behavioral, normative and control beliefs. Ajzen (1991) perceived that these considerations are significant in knowing the surrounding circumstances, projects and programs when changing of workers behaviors is required (Cox & Nkomo, 1990; Senaratne & Sexton, 2008).). With sufficient knowledge on human behaviors, managers can strategically identify which and who of them can help him in introducing changes within the organization and make others follow through (Rogers & Wright, 1998). It can lessen possibility of confusing, unsubstantiated, uncontextualized and unintelligible observations. Managing an organization requires ability to predict the responses and attitudes of its personnel to proposed changes (Rogers et al., 1998; Senaratne & Sexton, 2008). Such way, manager is able to make objective and concrete analysis of situation, evaluate assumptions, objective understanding on peripheral issues and the emotional discomfort affecting them when presented to complex situations (Cox, De Cieri, & Fenwick, 1998). Through it, managers will be able to note where his technical, leadership and support are needed. While behaviors and

The Management of a Student whose Standard of Practice is Cause for Essay

The Management of a Student whose Standard of Practice is Cause for Concern - Essay Example Although the standards of practice have been set by the academic setting, nurse educators and mentors can however find it difficult to fail students who are actually failing. Some of them often pass these students, sometimes, encouraging them to persist in their studies. This practice can however lead to various issues in nursing where incompetent nurses may be allowed to test their skills in the clinical setting. This paper shall critically explore the management of a student/learner whose standard of practice are cause for concern. This analysis shall include how the individual should be managed in terms of fitness for practice accountability, responsibility of the mentor and how this event would be documented. The implications of failing to fail learners who do not meet with the required standards to practice both personally and professionally will also be discussed. This study shall also consider when an action plan would be developed, whether or not I would get involved, and the assessment strategies which would be considered. This paper is being undertaken in order to establish ways by which the nursing profession can be whittled down academically and objectively in order to ensure that only competent nurses are to be allowed to practice. Body Undoubtedly, failing students can be a difficult and stressful experience for students and mentors. However, a nurse’s knowledge of one’s accountability as a mentor and supervisor and the complex process of crafting failing students imply that these decisions can still be made with utmost confidence (NHS, 2010). Mentors are considered gatekeepers because they guarantee that students who cannot comply with the standards of the practice are not allowed to enter the practice. The crucial stage of the assessment process seeks to protect the general public and the patients from incompetent nurses (NHS, 2010). Various concerns on how effective the gate keeping role is being carried out have been expressed by various practitioners. Failing to fail can have dire consequences to the general public (NHS, 2010). A 2004-2005 survey established that out of about 1400 issues of misconduct, poor practice was cited in majority of these incidents. Incidents of poor practice included errors in drug administration, inadequate record keeping, unsafe clinical practice, and failure to care for basic needs (NMC, 2005). According to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 2007), the mentor’s role is to generally offer support and guidance to the student and to help the patient understand the practice and to help him apply theory. The mentor’s role is also to assess, evaluate and provide feedback to the student; and to supervise reflective practice (RCN, 2007). These mentors are also tasked with ensuring that the students: are fit for the purpose of the practice, can fulfil the needs of registration, and have the depth of learning in order to be granted a diploma or a higher degree (RCN, 2007). These mentors are also considered positive role models and are there to assist students in gaining confidence; to promote professional relations with students; to assist appropriate supervision; and to offer honest, yet constructive feedback (RCN, 2007). The registered nurses’ role as a mentor is crucial because it ensures the protection of public health and interest (RCN, 2007). It is the responsibility of mentors to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Computer Shop Limited (CSL) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Computer Shop Limited (CSL) - Assignment Example Cloud Computing Service Models The organization’s data center provides hardware and software services. These services are provisioned by the Cloud Computing applications on the web. Similarly, the Internet services that are provided via cloud computing are called as ‘Software as a Service’ SaaS. The vendors use the term Infrastructure as a service ‘IaaS’ and Platform as a service ‘PaaS’ in order to display their products and services. Due to huge variations, the terms that are explained here are not accepted worldwide. The department of commerce NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) defined some useful explanations that are based on three concepts Simple computing resources regarding Cloud infrastructure as a service ‘IaaS’ are provided. Software applications are accessed by Cloud Software as a service ‘SaaS’ that can operate cloud infrastructure. For implementing and developing applications along with programming language and tools, the Cloud Platform as a service ‘PaaS’ provides to the customers. The data center hardware and software contains the major components of a cloud. The resources are available for general public also referred as public clouds and the cloud service providers are known as utility computing. Furthermore, the clouds that are not accessible for public are called as private clouds. The combination of the two, ‘SaaS’ and utility computing forms Cloud computing. (ARMBRUST, FOX et al. 2010). There are three service models for cloud computing i.e. infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service (Wilshusen 2011). Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is comprised of three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure. Organizations only provide software and platform and infrastructure is provided by a third party cloud computing vendor. The second service models i.e. platform as a service (PaaS) als o comprises of three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure. Organizations only provide a software or application that will be executed on the third party or the vendor’s platform and infrastructure. The third service model also includes the similar three components as mentioned before and called as software as a service (SaaS). Organizations only utilize the services provided by the vendors in terms of applications that can be accessed by the Internet. All the three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure are the property of the vendor (Wilshusen 2011). In figure 1.1, cloud deployment models are demonstrated Figure 1.1 (Retreived from :Wilshusen, G. C. (2011). INFORMATION SECURITY: Additional guidance needed to address cloud computing concerns. GAO Reports, , 1.) Cloud computing four service models are shown in Fig 1.2 Figure 1.2 (Retreived from :Wilshusen, G. C. (2011). INFORMATION SECURITY: Additional guidance needed to address cloud computing concerns. GAO Reports, , 1.) ‘Business Cloud’ must choose the relevant client model, as it will be proportional to the business or customer requirements and may differ from organization to organization and business types. The first service model is called as the ‘Private Cloud’. A private cloud is solely a property of the organization i.e. software, platform and infrastructure is the property of the organization (Wilshusen 2011). The second service model is called as the community cloud that is accessible to several organizations that may be similar to business types and will focus

Determining Causes and Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Determining Causes and Effects - Essay Example Water quality has become a crucial issue along the southern shores of Lake Huron in recent years with levels of pollution both non-point and point source pollution increasing in intensity and wrecking untold havoc on the lake’s ecosystem (The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, 2004). The lake has been plagued by different forms of water pollution, which have seriously jeopardized the lives and health of the animals, and humans depending on the water as well as the community who may use it for swimming or boating. This paper aims at examining the main causes of pollution on the lake as well as the social economical effect they have on the surrounding areas and it inhabitants. The main cause of pollution in Lake Huron is direct discharge of pollutant matter including, chemicals and microbial substances through a number of channels, which may fall under non-point or point pollution. The main pollutants in Huron originate from a number of sources, including runoff from industries, storm and drainage pipes or polluted water from rivers, other non-point sources are run off from road construction sites as well as oil and grease and similar runoff from urban energy production (Human Health and the Great Lakes, 2003). This is enhanced further by the considerable size of the drainage area of the lake, exposing it to material from an expansive area which increases the possibility of channeling contaminant matter. In addition, soil erosion, excess fertilizers from farms and herbicides have contaminated the lake water. While much of these pollutants have been managed today, sediments from such run off in retrospect are considered the main cause of pollution today. B acteria and other nutrients from animals which end up in the lake after they are washed in by rainwater, these are found in pathogens which re organisms mostly found in the intestinal tracts of mammals often originated from sewerage and septic tank systems (Crowe, n.d.). This has resulted to a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Computer Shop Limited (CSL) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Computer Shop Limited (CSL) - Assignment Example Cloud Computing Service Models The organization’s data center provides hardware and software services. These services are provisioned by the Cloud Computing applications on the web. Similarly, the Internet services that are provided via cloud computing are called as ‘Software as a Service’ SaaS. The vendors use the term Infrastructure as a service ‘IaaS’ and Platform as a service ‘PaaS’ in order to display their products and services. Due to huge variations, the terms that are explained here are not accepted worldwide. The department of commerce NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) defined some useful explanations that are based on three concepts Simple computing resources regarding Cloud infrastructure as a service ‘IaaS’ are provided. Software applications are accessed by Cloud Software as a service ‘SaaS’ that can operate cloud infrastructure. For implementing and developing applications along with programming language and tools, the Cloud Platform as a service ‘PaaS’ provides to the customers. The data center hardware and software contains the major components of a cloud. The resources are available for general public also referred as public clouds and the cloud service providers are known as utility computing. Furthermore, the clouds that are not accessible for public are called as private clouds. The combination of the two, ‘SaaS’ and utility computing forms Cloud computing. (ARMBRUST, FOX et al. 2010). There are three service models for cloud computing i.e. infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service (Wilshusen 2011). Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is comprised of three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure. Organizations only provide software and platform and infrastructure is provided by a third party cloud computing vendor. The second service models i.e. platform as a service (PaaS) als o comprises of three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure. Organizations only provide a software or application that will be executed on the third party or the vendor’s platform and infrastructure. The third service model also includes the similar three components as mentioned before and called as software as a service (SaaS). Organizations only utilize the services provided by the vendors in terms of applications that can be accessed by the Internet. All the three components i.e. software, platform and infrastructure are the property of the vendor (Wilshusen 2011). In figure 1.1, cloud deployment models are demonstrated Figure 1.1 (Retreived from :Wilshusen, G. C. (2011). INFORMATION SECURITY: Additional guidance needed to address cloud computing concerns. GAO Reports, , 1.) Cloud computing four service models are shown in Fig 1.2 Figure 1.2 (Retreived from :Wilshusen, G. C. (2011). INFORMATION SECURITY: Additional guidance needed to address cloud computing concerns. GAO Reports, , 1.) ‘Business Cloud’ must choose the relevant client model, as it will be proportional to the business or customer requirements and may differ from organization to organization and business types. The first service model is called as the ‘Private Cloud’. A private cloud is solely a property of the organization i.e. software, platform and infrastructure is the property of the organization (Wilshusen 2011). The second service model is called as the community cloud that is accessible to several organizations that may be similar to business types and will focus

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized Research Paper

Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized - Research Paper Example Each person is entitled to the same thing as everyone else. Along those same lines, marriage, and the rights of homosexual couples should be regarded in the same way. The only thing that sets these people apart from others is their sexual orientation. If they were to be denied the same rights of heterosexual couples because of their sexual orientation, then, as Americans, we would be risking coming off as liars and being prejudice. Furthermore, our country embraces diversity, and by denying one group privileges that they should be entitled to, we are denying our country the chance to really shine as a diverse, open-minded country.Unfortunately, the debate for legalizing gay marriage goes much further than how we are viewed as a country, going against our own morals. As aforementioned, civil and equal rights play huge roles in approving of gay couples to become married. Homosexual couples are being denied what should rightfully be theirs (Lauricella, 2010). There really is no law, suc h as in the Constitution, that states that a homosexual couple cannot married. While states may have it in their constitutions to not recognize same-sex marriage, the United States, as a whole, has nothing to state the same. Therefore, the concept of legalizing gay marriage can be done on a state-by-state basis, as the country’s Constitution is already open for it. This is where the trouble comes in, however. Some states are open for gay marriage, but others are not. There are homosexual couples that can marry in one state, though others that may not be allowed to marry in another state.   The equality is there, just not spread out enough.Other issues that exist because of gay marriage debates are the rights that homosexual couples have, or do not have. There are some states that not only allow and recognize gay marriages but allow those couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. The few states that offer civil unions, however, do not recognize these rights for the ho mosexual couples.

United States as an Imperialist and Expansionist Nation Essay Example for Free

United States as an Imperialist and Expansionist Nation Essay Imperialism is the influential expansion of a country’s power through territorial invasion creating a financial and political control of other countries. Imperialism is used to refer to the period of 1880 to 1918 wherein the developed countries look for new territories to dwell in, creating their command to the African and Asian countries so that they will have the most useful location. The United States pursue an aggressive policy of expansionism during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to expand the nation’s political and economic influence worldwide. The United States general public observed the first expansion attempts as a means to help other nations for a righteous reason but as it goes by they changed their mind and viewed the United States as an imperialist nation. Manifest Destiny was created in 1845 to somewhat justify American expansionism. United States would still be the sole strong power even without expansion but it was America’s goal to reign supreme above others. In 1860’s when American Imperialism was isolated, it affected the affairs of other small countries but it had no effect whatsoever to the Great Powers which the United States has not fully reached. Initially the United States wanted expansion to be able to compete with the European markets. In The People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn commented about the demand of expansion: Appleman Williams has described in The Roots of the Modern American Empire that there were need for expansion by many commercial farmers. Populist Congressman Jerry Simpson of Kansas told Congress in 1892 that with a vast agricultural excess, farmers ‘must of necessity search for foreign market. True, he was not calling for violence or invasion but once foreign markets were seen as significant to success, expansionist procedure, even war might be appealing. The period of Imperialism began when United States helped Cuba to drive away the Spaniards and helped the Cuban gain their independence. The Americans then had a navy base in Cuba and they wanted to help the Philippines next but instead of giving them independence they build their own empire. The American people come to realized and viewed their nation as an upcoming imperialist nation because prior to the Spanish American War, the American military did not subsist. The national identity of the people of America changed significantly since they were able to show to the whole world that they can survive even without the help of Great Britain. The Manifest Destiny was created to rationalize to the citizens the expansion that was happening. The United States expansion enabled them to be competitive to the European market but later on the expansion became more of imperialism like what happened in the case of the Philippines. By becoming an imperialist nation, the United States has to build their military from scratch and the people who object their expansion was viewed as unpatriotic by the government. The United States without expansionism would be just like one of the numerous nations that is incompetent in absorbing millions of immigrants, without the ability of protecting itself against great nations and without the capacity of spreading and preserving its culture worldwide. Work Cited Zinn, Howard. The People’s History of the United States. New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1999.

Monday, October 14, 2019

To Determine Social Media Usage Among Malaysia Student Media Essay

To Determine Social Media Usage Among Malaysia Student Media Essay Recent year have shown a worldwide growth pattern in social interaction in digital media more knows as social media. Today more than hundreds of millions internet user all over the world visited thousand of social media sites. Social media come out parallel with various technological affordances, supporting with a wide range of interests and practices. While, their key technological features are fairly consistent and the cultures that emerge around social media sites are varied. Most sites support the maintenance of pre-existing social networks, but others help strangers connect based on reasons, shared interests, political views, or activities. Universal McCann (2009) conducted an extensive study on social media usage among 232000 active internet users in 38 countries during spring 2009. This study showed that social consumption of digital content is either highly penetrated among active internet users or still growing rapidly. Besides that, through this study also find out that consumers continue to flock to digital destinations in order to create and share content, but they are now becoming more selective in terms of where they are doing it included the tools of social media are starting to coalesce on to a single platform type, namely the social network. According to Universal McCann (2009), 17 percent of active internet users globally now access the internet on the move, in others words internet and social media use are becoming more mobile. Social media platforms also are becoming more multi-media and the number of bloggers and social network users who have uploaded photos, videos, music and widgets has continued to rise since the last study conducted in 2007 until 2008. From this information, there is no doubt at all that social media increasingly important and become a culture for people all over the world in this era 21st century. Background of the study This study will carry out in Universiti Utara Malaysia because students are not exceptional as the active internet user and they have a higher access to the internet especially in variety types of social media. It is also because many students are teenager and still young. Usually, at this age the student have a higher desire to do something that their feel interesting and something new. Commonly, student will use many type of social media depending on their reasons. Sometimes, they visited social networking sites, collaboration websites, creativity work sharing sites and others type of social media to get any information, to make a discussion, to keep in touch with friend, for media sharing, self presentation and debate, social networks, referencing and recommendation services and many else. Problem statement Currently, social media become phenomena to all internet users not only in Malaysia but all over the world. According to the recent report, more than 30% teenager neglecting their school and also family because spend a long time to access social media. We can see that young became addicted to social media. Social media addiction will occur when people visited websites regularly without any motive, goal and became of their habit every day. Social media addicted is more likely to happens to a university student that have a greater access to the computer. So, this research will conduct a study in Universiti Utara Malaysia to identify the social media usage among Universiti Utara Malaysia student and also to determine the factors that motivate them to take part in social media. 1.3 Research question This research aims to answer the following question: What are the social media usages among Universiti Utara Malaysia student and what are the factors motivate them to take part in social media? 1.4 Research objective Research objective has listed below: To determine social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student. To determine whether social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student is motivate by performance. To determine whether social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student is motivate by passing time. To determine whether social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student is motivate by information seeking. To determine whether social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student is motivate by social connection. To determine whether social media usage among University Utara Malaysia student is motivate by entertainment. 1.5 Significance of the study A study on internet user regarding social media was done by previously researchers. However, the author choose to take the graduate as the scope of the study as this group is those who are educated and expose to technologies changes especially in emerging of variety type social media. They believe through social media they can gain many advantages and beneficial information. Hence, this group should be addressed to enhance a better understanding about social media and the factors motivate to take part in social media. The author chooses Universiti Utara Malaysia to conduct this study because Universiti Utara Malaysia is one of the early higher educations in Malaysia. Besides that, this study location at northern peninsular of Malaysia because until now, there did not have any study conduct regarding social media in Malaysia. This study is considered important because to identified the social media usage and to determined the factors that motivate Universiti Utara Malaysia student to take part in social media. This study also was conducted to view growing rapidly all over the world. The previously research about social media should be given a new lease. 1.6 Scope and limitation of the study The studies on the social media usages and motivation factors to take part in social media only focused only to the graduates. Graduated are here devoted to College of Business student that consist of undergraduate student and also postgraduates student. The researcher will make Universiti Utara Malaysia student from College of Business as their population and sample will be randomly selected from the population. The limitation of this study is limited to the Universiti Utara Malaysia student only because of timing problem and also budget problem. Organization of the research project CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction In this chapter earlier studies connected to the problem area and more specifically to the research questions, will be discussed. First, previous studies related to the definition of social media from previous research, will be presented. Then, literature regarding the research question from first question until the last question about social media usage and motivation factor to take part in social media among Universiti Utara Malaysia student will be brought up in this chapter. 2.1 Social media From the previous research, we can see there have several definitions of social media given by the previous researcher. The definition that already given by the previous researchers is so variety and there is no clear definition about social media. According to Universal McCann (2009), social media is a platform for social connection and also an application to user generated content. It is a new kind of online media that can be characterized by user participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness (Mayfield, 2006). Blog, micro blog, RSS, widget, social networking sites, chat room, message board, video and photo sharing is included in central of social media (Universal McCann, 2009). According to Universal McCann (2009), social media design is about designing platforms and applications for social interaction and user generated content. Social media is a new kind of online media characterized by user participation, openness, conversation, community, and connectedness (Mayfield, 2006). Central social media platforms include blogging, micro blogging, RSS, widgets, social networking, chat rooms, message boards, podcasts, video sharing, and photo sharing (Universal McCann, 2009) Social media is an application and system that can support content sharing, and create environment for sociable online that included solution for media sharing, presentation and debate, social network, referencing and recommendation and also sources for create knowledge. It also may include technology platform interactive television and also mobile phone (Karahasanovic Folstad, 2008). According to KarahasanoviĆ¡ Fà ¸lstad (2008), social media are systems and applications supporting content sharing and co-creation in sociable online environments. This includes solutions for media sharing (e.g. YouTube, Flickr), self presentation and debate (e.g. MySpace, blogs), social networks (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn), referencing and recommendation services (e.g. Digg, and co-created knowledge resources (e.g. Wikipedia). Social media may also include technology platforms such as interactive television and mobile phones (KarahasanoviĆ¡ Fà ¸lstad, 2008). According to Kaplan et al (2010), social media is a group of internet based application that can build ideology and technology foundation of Web 2.0 that can allow creations of user generated contents and also exchanges the user generated contents. Web 2.0 can be consider as platform for the evolution of social media because it represent the ideology and technology foundation that have being seeing as the sum of all way in which people make use the social media (Kaplan et al, 2010). Social Media is a group of Internet based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content. They consider Web 2.0 as the platform for the evolution of Social Media because when Web 2.0 represents the ideological and technological foundation, User Generated Content (UGC) can be seen as the sum of all ways in which people make use of Social Media (Kaplan et al, 2010). There have three requirements in User Generate Content that included need to be published, certain amount of creative effort need to be show and lastly need to create outside from the practices and routine (Kaplan et al, 2010). According to Kaplan et al, (2010) User Generated Content needs to fulfil three basic requirements in order to be considered as such first, it needs to be published either on a publicly accessible website or on a social networking site accessible to a selected group of people and second, it needs to show a certain amount of creative effort and finally, it needs to have been created outside of professional routines and practices. The combination of technological drivers likes increased broadband availability and hardware capacity, economic drivers likes increased availability of tools for the creation of User Generated Content and social drivers likes rise of a generation of digital natives and screenagers: younger age groups with substantial technical knowledge and willingness to engage online will make User Generated Content nowadays fundamentally different from what was observed in the early 1980s. (Kaplan et al, 2010). According to Danah Allison (2007), social media is a web based service that allow user to construct a profile either public or semi public profile that will be bound by the system, all will be listed in the system included list of other user that they are connected with and lastly view and traverse their list that they are connected with and other within the systems. The connection is different between sites to sites. Social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and lastly view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site (Danah and Ellison, 2007). 2.2 Factors motivate to take part in social media They are many factors that can motivate user to take part in social media. It is included because of performance, passing time, information seeking, social connection and entertainment that will be elaborate below: 2.2.1 Self expression From literature we can find several different reasons why customers visit social media sites. Shao (2008), believe that the user contributed to social media because their need to self expression. This statement also supported by Sirgys (1982) claim that user looking for the experience that will enhance their self concept. Shao (2008) suggests that users contribute because they have a need for self-expression and self-actualization, which is supported by Sirgys (1982) claim that individuals look for experiences that enhance their self-concept. According to Shao (2008), self expression refer to user communicated their own identities and also their individualities. It is assume that user wan to communicate themselves to other person, so other person will know about themselves as they know themselves (Shao, 2008). Self-expression refers to users communicating their own identity and individuality (Shao, 2008). It is assumed that people want to communicate themselves to other people, so that others can know them as they know themselves (Goffman, 1959; McKenna and Bargh 1999; Swann, 1983; Shao, 2008). 2.2.2 Performance there are various types of Social Media that need to be distinguished further. However, although most people would probably agree that Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and Second Life are all part of this large group, there is no systematic way in which different Social Media applications can be categorized. To create such a classification scheme, and to do so in a systematic manner, we rely on a set of theories in the field of media research (social presence, media richness) and social processes (self-presentation, self-disclosure), the two key elements of Social Media. Applied to the context of Social Media, we assume that a first classification can be made based on the richness of the medium and the degree of social presence it allows. Applied to the context of Social Media, we assume that a second classification can be made based on the degree of self-disclosure it requires and the type of self-presentation it allows. Social media encompasses a wide range of online, word-of-mouth forums including blogs, company sponsored discussion boards and chat rooms, consumer-to-consumer e-mail, consumer product or service ratings websites and forums, Internet discussion boards and forums, moblogs (sites containing digital audio, images, movies, or photographs), and social networking websites, to name a few. As illustrated by Table 1, social media outlets are numerous and varied. 2.2.3 Passing time 2.2.4 Information seeking According to Shao (2008) argue that the primary use of social media among user is to find information and also to build the knowledge. Users can get technical value from social media through find the specific information that can broadening and increase their knowledge (Shao, 2008). Shao (2008) suggest that the primary use is looking for information and building knowledge. In social media technical value can be seen as the value that the customer gets from finding specific information or just broadening his knowledge (Shao, 2008). Desire to increase knowledge among user are motivated user to seeking for the information. User not only wants to get information about others and the world but they also want to provide information about themselves to others and the world. Shao (2008) argues that information seeking is motivated by users desire to increase knowledge. Users want information about themselves, others and the world (Shao, 2008). Studies show that people are increasingly looking for information on the web, which has lead to sites like growing rapidly (Shao, 2008). According to Kaplan (2010), the trend of social media can be seen as evolution to the Internet root since World Wide Web already transform to became a platform that can exchanges information between user. The current trend toward Social Media can therefore be seen as an evolution back to the Internets roots, since it retransforms the World Wide Web to what it was initially created for a platform to facilitate information exchange between users (Kaplan, 2010). Shao (2008), argue that users can find and get information about product and services but in some cases, user are more trusted the information that they are getting from others user compare to the information that they are getting from the marketers. Searching for information can also be related to reading about products or services. In most cases, users trust information that they get from other users more than they trust information that is provided by marketers (Shao, 2008). According Kim et al, (2010) both members and non-members have two types of facilities to find the information they need on social Web sites. The facilities are keyword-based search engines and browsing. The search engines can be used to look for the names of people, names of groups, and particular UCCs. Browsing can be done on selected groups and UCCs in a particular category. Most sites allow keyword-based search of text-based contents. Some search engines are fairly powerful, while others are crude. The users can also browse the results of keyword-based searches, and groups and UCCs that are suggested as related to the group and UCCs the users currently view. All social Web sites provide categories for the UCCs stored, so that users may browse UCCs in a specific category. 2.2.5 Social connection Social media can also increase users social interactions, and decreases loneliness or help users manage their moods (Shao, 2008). These motivations can also be linked to the community aspect of social media, as Tedjamulia et al (2005) suggests that one of the reasons why users choose to contribute is because they feel motivated to do so because of being part of a community. Social Web sites provide various facilities for members to use to communicate with their online connections, that is, friends and other members. These include email, instant messaging, text messaging, and public and private bulletin boards, and even Internet phone services. Such sites as MySpace and Facebook allow their members to use the messaging and phone call facilities of Internet phone services, such as Skype (Kim et al, 2010). Further, according to Kim et al, (2010) on behalf of the members, the sites send member updates and notices using emails or text messages to members friends. They also send updates and notices to members of groups. The sites also display friends updates to members public and private boards. For example, Twitter allows members to send mes- sages to friends on what the members are doing. A message, which is restricted to 140 characters, may be sent to friends mobile devices and their Twitter accounts. A member may have one or more followers, and many members may be following a member. Facebook provides a mini bulletin board (called a wall) to post a members message for all friends to see and respond to. LinkedIn provides an answers function to allow members to answer questions posted by other members, and to refer the questions to their online connections.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Counterfeiting: Were In The Money Essay -- essays research papers

Counterfeiting: We're In The Money A frequently asked question by a customer is "Can you break a hundred dollar bill?" If this request has been granted, why do the cashiers take the bill and turn it into a biology experiment? Between pouring a liquid on the note and/or holding it up to the light to check for authenticity, is our currency system in danger? As of the beginning of 1996, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Secretary of the United States Treasury, prove their economic wizardry by making the new one hundred dollar bill nearly impossible to counterfeit in attempt to protect our economy. This is just the first step in improving our currency system. Counterfeiting U.S. currency is an illegal practice that has has been around for years and, unfortunately,is getting worse. "Last year, ...the Secret Service cooperated with the Italian authorities' seizure of $43.8 million in counterfeit U.S. currency, Germany's capture of more than $19 million in counterfeit cash, and the Canadian authorities; seizure of than $129 million in counterfeit U.S. currency." (Gomez, Bertha. "Officials Say..") In a small town north of Chicago, two high school seniors were arrested for the use of counterfeit bills. With the use of the internet and a color printer, these two teenagers were able to create and pass their counterfeit twenty dollar bills through the high school cafeteria but were later arrest by police after trying to use their money at a local Taco Bell. If teenagers are finding ways to counterfeit money, that should tell someone that we need to do something to protect our economy for the future. In attempt to enhance our currency system, the one hundred dollar bill was completely redesigned last year and released at the beginning of this year. This new bill contains a security thread, a watermark, a larger portrait, varriable-color ink and infrared fibers. It is called the 1996 series. Next year the fifty dollar bill will change and so forth. At first, economist talked about recalling all of US currency, but later this idea was ruled out o keep a smooth transition and to honor the new bills at current face value. If our economy is at its strongest, who paid for the creation of the series 1996? The Federal Reserve, under the direction of Alan Greenspan, paid for this currency improvement. When t... ...bject, someone will try to copy it. But, what if our currency system was strictly based on a credit? This will be the United States currency of the future. Our world has advanced so far with the aid of the computer. Ten years ago, computers were for only a weak version of typing. We have come so far from the past. Technology will improve in the years to come. The money in our wallets is just a special type of paper with a special type of ink. It does not back gold like it use to. In the future, we will have two cards in our wallet. A credit card, if we so choose to own one, and a currency card. Our treasury and federal reserve will design a feasible system where paper money is something of the past. Work Cite "Fed Moved Too Slow On Increasing Rates." Wall Street Journal 11 April 1994. "Who Controls The Fed?." Investors Business Daily 19 August 1996 Gomez, Berta "U.S. Officials Say Currency Counterfeiting Remains Small." USIA Staff Writer (1996) WWW Internet Access. Moreau, Ron and Russell Watson. The Hard-Up North Koreans are suspected of making nearly perfectly fakes of U.S. $100 bills.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Events During the Cold War Essay

The Cold War was a very terrible war that started in 1945 between the United States and the Soviet Union and lasted 45 years. The Cold War got its name because both sides were too afraid to fight each other directly. They used words against each other to make the enemy look dumb and foolish. They fought through many other wars, too afraid of nuclear attacks directly hitting them. These wars caused great devastation across the globe. This war had started because the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism across the world, but America being a democracy, did not want that. The first ten years were somewhat interesting. On February 4 1945, there was a Yalta Conference, a wartime meeting between the heads of government from the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union, and the Cold War began. Right after that, Germany surrendered to the Red Army in Berlin. On August 6, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and killed 80,000 people. Then three days after, the United States dropped another bomb on Nagasaki that killed 70,000. Shortly after that, the Japanese surrendered and that was the end of World War II. Winston Churchill had issued warnings about the Soviets in 1946 and first used the term â€Å"iron curtain†. This term was used to describe how the Soviets had wanted power. 1946 was also the year Josef Stalin made a very hostile speech, claiming communism and capitalism couldn’t live in peace. In June of 1947, the Marshall Plan was announced. This plan set a precedent for helping countries combat poverty, disease and malnutrition. That same year, the Rio Pact was established. This was a security zone around the hemisphere with the 19 Latin American countries. Between June 1948 and September 1949, Britain and America were struggling to keep West Berlin supplied through aircraft, since the Soviet government closed all ground traffic. That year, they made 277,000 flights to carry products. In March of 1948, Truman started a Loyalty Program which was made to catch Cold War spies. Then, in that same year the Brussels Pact was made to protect Europe from communism. In 1949, China became a communist country because Mao Zedong took over. He then established the People’s  Republic of China. In June of 1950, the Korean War started and Stalin supported North Korea and gave them Soviet weapons to invade South Korea. The war in Korea ended two years later, though. In 1951 the Federal Defense Administration was established which was a program that spread information about communism and the threat of attacks. March 1954 was when KGB (Committee for State Security) was established. KGB was the national security of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In May of 1955 the Warsaw Pact was established. This pact was a mutual defense treaty between the eight communist states of Eastern Europe during the Cold War. During these ten years, there were a few treaties and some different experimental things done, also some different groups were made just for this one huge war. The next 10 years (1956-65) didn’t have as many exciting things happen. In 1956, there was a rebellion in Communist Hungary. Then after that in 1957, Sputnik was launched into space and Laika died in space. In 1958, Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War, made the Soviet troops withdrawal from Berlin. Khrushchev then visited the United States in 1959 which caused the Kitchen Debate. This was a debate between Nixon and Khrushchev at the opening of the American National Exhibition. In 1960, the Soviets revealed that there had been a United States plane shot down over Soviet territory. This year was also the year John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States. Cuba aligns itself with the Soviet Union and their policies that same year. The Bay of Pigs invasion happened in 1961, this invasion was by CIA trained exiles of Cuba into southern Cuba to try to overthrow the government, but it was unsuccessful. In 1962 the United States becomes more involved in the Vietnam War to keep communist takeover of South Vietnam as a strategy of containment. That was the same year of the Cuban missile crisis between the Soviet Union and Cuba and the United States, it lasted thirteen days. November of 1963 was a sad month because President Kennedy was assassinated, probably because of a conspiracy. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was in 1964 which was a confrontation between North Vietnam and the United States. In 1965 some United States marines were sent to the Dominican Republic to fight Communism. These 10 years were not very exciting but there were a few important events that changed the United States. From 1966 to 1975, not much happened. It was kind of a dull period compared to the last twenty years. In 1967 the United Stated Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara admitted that the United States bombing raids had failed to meet their objectives. Richard Nixon was elected for president and North Korea captured U.S.S. Pueblo the year after. The USS Pueblo was a United States spy ship and it is still currently being held captive by Korea, though it is a museum now. Then, in 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon which had Neil Armstrong in it. He was the first person to step on the moon and it was a great accomplishment in US history. In 1970 Nixon spread the Vietnam War to Cambodia. The Pentagon papers were signed the year after in 1971. These papers were a United States history of its involvement in the Vietnam War. In 1972 not only did Nixon visit China, but SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talk) was signed; this was between the two Cold War superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union on the issue of armament control. The United States supported coup overthrew the Chilean government in 1973. The year after that, Nixon resigned but since then he has been the only president to ever resign. In 1975 North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam who then fell into communism. I do not know why these ten years were so boring, but they were even though they ended in another country falling into communism. The next ten years from 1976 to 1985 were even duller than the ones before. It started off with the Soviet Union and Cuba forcing Angola to become a communist state. In 1979, SALT II was signed. This time it was just an experimental negotiation about curtailing the manufacturing of nuclear weapons. The same year SALT II was signed, the Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan and the United States and China established diplomatic relations. In 1980, Polish shipyard workers started a strike and the Solidarity Union was formed, which was the first non-communist trade union in Warsaw Pact territory, and the strike leader, Lech Walesa, was elected as the head of the Solidarity Union. Three years later, President Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative. That initiative was created to protect the United States from nuclear missile attacks. In that same year, United States troops invaded and overthrew the regime in Grenada and ended  in a victory. Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union and initiated a campaign of increased openness and transparency in government institutions called â€Å"glasnost† and a political movement within the Soviet Union called â€Å"perestroika† in 1985. As you can see, not much happened during these ten years but there were still some interesting things that happened. The last five years were when quite a few countries became independent after so long. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev resolve to remove all intermediate nuclear missiles from Europe. Then in the year after that, Reagan and Gorbachev agree to remove all medium and short-range nuclear missiles. This meant that the war was coming to a close and things were becoming less violent. The Soviet groups with drawled from Afghanistan in 1989. Poland and Hungary both become independent and communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Rumania, the Soviet empire declined in this year as well. Russia got a new president; Boris Yeltsin, in 1990 also. Another country became independent a year later, Lithuania. Germany also became reunited during this year. In 1991, the Warsaw Pact ended which meant the Cold War was over and the Soviet Union was done for, the end of it all. The Cold War was something terrible that happened between the United States and the Soviet Union for a stupid reason. It caused a lot of problems and different wars throughout the world just because they were too afraid to fight face to face but, it did not cause a huge amount of deaths. The Cold War was not really the kind of war that killed people; it was more of a war on which country could develop faster. This war could have been easily prevented but I guess some things just have to happen. A 45 year war for only one thing. Power. Works Cited â€Å"Cold War.† enotes. n.d. Web. 20 May, 2012. â€Å"Cold War Timeline.† History Timelines. n.d. Web. 20 May, 2012. Pillai, Prabhakar â€Å"Causes and Effects of the Cold War.† Buzzle. n.d. 21 May, 2012. â€Å"Timeline of the Cold War.† Think Quest. n.d. Web. 20 May 2012.

Creative Piece for as Level English Literature Coursework Comparing Two Film Adaptations of ‘Hamlet’ Essay

Kenneth Branagh takes Hamlet from play to screen in an intense, full-length adaptation and he got it right! Gregory Doran also takes a whack at bringing Hamlet from the stage to the screen but with a more modern-day interpretation. Branagh restores Hamlet’s greatest scenes and brings out the most in Shakespeare’s awe-inspiring revenge-tragedy plot; in both performance and direction, Branagh displays energy and cogency. The language has the upmost clarity and makes the film feel accessible and comprehensible for a range of viewers. Branagh’s pragmatic approach, which includes short illustrative ‘flashbacks’, work as a perfectly credible cinematic device that helps the audience to understand the complex scenarios. Branagh tends to rant on and shout throughout the film, especially in his soliloquys, but to the audience it could feel commanding and passionate and so it creates quite an impressive effect. The musical scores are generally helpful, although on occasions they don’t quite fit in with the mood, for example in Act 4, Scene 4, during Hamlet’s speech, the music just made it more humorous rather than serious and dramatic, honestly it sounded more like a cheesy American speech with a flag in the background! At the start of the film, the setting is a bit weak, with the shaking of the earth and the appearance of the ghost proving to be a poor attempt at special effects! However the film then gets flooded with colour and majestically inviting grand halls and rooms which are truly beautiful. The BBC’s adaptation of Hamlet (2009), takes a modern-day approach; from the start it is clear that this adaptation is modern dress, Hamlet wears jeans and a T-shirt and he kills Polonius with a handgun, as well as there being Helicopters and women in military roles. Some dialogue and scenes were ‘trimmed’ and adapted to suit viewers of the modern day and unlike the exuberant, bravura styling of Branagh’s version, Doran has favoured a more refined minimalist dramatization. Whilst the production design is theatrical, Doran directs the camera in a manner that is more typical of television; he uses a few cinematic flourishes and can reach angles that would be impossible on the stage. The use of modern CCTV may enforce the element of surveillance but their clumsy, intrusive functioning is more distractive rather than innovative. It is interesting however how Doran puts a camera in Hamlet’s hands to highlight that character’s observations of others. Onstage, Tennant made eye-contact with the audience, bringing  viewers into the plot and the tense impression of the play; this quality was also apparent in the film where Tennant looks directly into the camera, enhancing the meaning behind the text whilst recreating the theatrical intimacy. Branagh doesn’t stray from the original text in his exciting adaptation of Hamlet and the cast, acting, set and overall production was brilliant and can really captivate viewers. However despite the fact the former Doctor Who star tackled his role with an excellent fierceness, Doran’s modern-day approach was nowhere near as dynamic as Branagh’s performance.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Nuclear Weapon and Science

SCIENCE IS A THREAT TO HUMANITY * Science has greatly increased the capability of man to kill each other, literally threating humanity. Although science is not always the cause of wars the advances in nuclear weaponry have given the man the power to destroy the world. At certain points in history, such as the Cuban missile crisis, the world has stood on the brink of destruction. *The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba that occurred in the early 1960s during the Cold War.The crisis ranks as one of the major confrontations of the Cold War, and is often regarded as the moment in which the Cold War came closest to a nuclear war. * Our air is polluted with toxins and our water is polluted with waste from manufacturing. There are people suffering everywhere and yet science is so far behind where it matters. A satellite can be launched into orbit and bring back images millions of miles away but our water filled, with pharmaceutical s, cannot properly be cleaned? Why on earth would cloning another living being come before finding cures for diseases!I truly believe science to be a good thing but there is far too much depravity coming from it. We’re stuck finding cures for the ailments caused by technology and yet people latch on to technology, expecting it to solve all our problems. Most haunting, society is becoming desensitized to all of it. We are very close to stripping away what little humanity we have left and becoming robotic in nature, looking at everything in a scientific lens. Society expects instant gratification and is consistently undervaluing the very things that make us humane.As a whole we’ve becoming needy, less principled, and incapable of doing things without relying on technology. We’re on the verge of becoming nothing more than sponges for gratification without purpose. It’s sickening. * Our lives are in danger because bombs are made to blast thousands or millions of people. New guns are made for robbery. People are rebelling against their own blood, and it's not fair. This all is done by the cruel advancement of science. Can you believe science has increased the capability of men to kill each other? It's true we owe a lot to science, all the convenience and creature comforts we enjoy on earth wouldn't have been possible without advances in science. The downside is that all this technology can and will be used against us. Look at the atomic bomb, with the destruction it caused and that was almost seventy years ago. The weapons we have now, would make the atomic bomb look like a firecracker. Then you have people who get greedy for profits and use technology for their own benefit; not worrying about the welfare of anyone or anything else.As much as I would like to say no, as long as we have a world full of greedy people in power, who are only thinking about the next big payday; science will always be a threat. * Although I understand the view that science has brought us many benefits, I think people often forget its consequences. It has enabled countries to create terrifying Weapons of Mass Destruction, has caused numerous ethical questions to be raised and is a constant threat to humanity with the danger that it may never stop, and we will become our own worst enemy.Even some of science's greatest achievements like the discovery of antibiotics has caused massive implications through the uncontrollable population increase. For these reasons and many more I think scientists should be very careful about how far they go to improve society as it could in fact turn into a serious threat to humanity. * We may be living in a modern world with the influence of science however does it makes any difference? many people are still suffering the effect of science. The floods, global warming and etc.Science may help us, but the total destruction it causes us is just one-fourth of the benefits it give us. * It is true that science has brought many great advancements. But because of these advancements humanity is ruined. The world is in corruption because of science. For example, the global warming which lead to the melting of Antarctica. Hacking and cracking of information. The invention of dangerous bombs like nuclear weapons and atomic bomb. The viruses and the diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.These declines are started and caused by science and these type of situations will keep worsening by the minute as long as there is an existence called science. * People keep saying that it is humanity that controls science and therefore science is not the actual threat to humanity but rather it is humanity iteself? If it is an innate part of humanity to want to explore then surely so is violence and science is making our violence potentially more and more destructive. SCIENCE IS NOT A THREAT TO HUMANITY * Look back in time a couple hundred years.Since then the quality and length of our life has increase d significantly. If you live in a first world nation then you benefit from these advances the most. For example: when was the last time you went a day without being able to eat? How long does it take you to travel thousands of miles? How quickly can you research information on a computer? All of these great advancements are thanks to science. * The only thing that will lead to destruction of people, is people. There’s rarely knowledge that can’t be construed for purpose of mal-intent. If you hand out knives to convicts, someone most likely will be stabbed.Would you deem knives as something to be diminished simply because cutting a steak isn’t as significant as killing someone? Knowledge, like a knife, is a tool and it, like any other tool, most be handled appropriately. * Science has transcended the boarders of human understanding and expanded our knowledge of the things that were once unknown, making everything easier, faster, lighter and better. Scientific stu dies about human have given a huge progress for Medicine and Surgery; diseases that were once incurable are now easily cured, and even changing parts of our body is made possible.The modern facilities of communication have made contact between people who are miles apart be easily patched within seconds. * It is true that Weapons of Mass Destructions are deadly weapons that could bring an end to humanity as we know it. However, is it right to blame all of these potential threats on science? Albert Einstein became a vegetarian because he believed that, in every human, there is barbaric emotion. These barbaric human impulses, not Science, may bring an end to humanity.Science, however, improves our lives, makes us realize the truth and sometimes brings miracles. Firstly, the birth of internet has made our lives more efficient and comfortable. The internet is the reason why people could express their own opinions on websites, send mails in a matter of seconds and explore the world. Secon dly, science has also improved our lives in terms of health. Consider the potential of stem cell research. * Simply put, I believe that it is an innate part of the human psyche to want to explore and to find out more about the world.Science is literally our knowledge of the physical/material world gained through observation so to say that advances in science would be detrimental to humanity is like point your finger at a gun and saying that it was the one that killed the person, not the soldier. People can choose what they want to do with new developments in science, whether they want to use it to better modern society or otherwise. * Although the fact that WMD's (weapon of mass destruction) are a result of research in science, this does not mean it is, generally, science's fault. It is a human ‘s need to be the powerful one.To be the superior. It is human nature to want to create a bomb that could kill millions, they just use science to find out how to use it. We take advanta nge of the discoveries of others before us and use it to kill, manipulate, or destroy. * Science helps humanity because it is how we heat our homes up, how we keep our food fresh. Science is how we know the world around us. Science is also even a solution to things like global warming. Science does not pose a threat to humanity unless it is misused or used irresponsibly. * No, humanity is a threat to humanity.Science hasn't 'caused' those things, humans have, societies and governments have, usually to the screaming objection of actual scientists and the scientific consensus. They seem to be the only ones playing by reason or empiricist rules yet they get the blame for the rest of society ignoring their warnings. * Reason why science is threatening to humanity is because humanity itself has conjure up ways to apply science destructively with or without intention. If we blame science generally, we are merely saying that everyone is a threat to humanity just by existing.