Thursday, January 30, 2020

People Love To Have Pets, But What Do Pets Want Essay Example for Free

People Love To Have Pets, But What Do Pets Want Essay There are many animals that would prefer to stay as far away from the indoors as possible! Even though some people keep their pets inside most of the time, they would much rather be outside living in their natural habitat. Many animals are covered in fur to protect them from cold weather and to keep animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits and mice is unethical treatment from humans when they would rather be outdoors where they were intended to live with other animals. There are those humans who simply don’t want to take their animals outdoors, and then there are others who enjoy caging wild animals, such as snakes, turtles, mice and lizards for their own enjoyment. It is unnatural for many animals who haven’t adapted to existing in an enclosed environment and it is unethical treatment against wildlife to hold them indoors, against their will. It is sad when you hear about people who mistreat animals and are careless to the pet’s desires of wanting to roam around in their natural habitat. There are occasions when animals are never allowed to go outdoors and are strictly kept in cages and fed manually by the pet owner. â€Å"We humans create homes that feel, smell, sound and look good to us, not our cat,† Ingrid Newkirk explains in her book, â€Å"250 Things You Can Do To Make Your Cats Adore You. † The author relates that our pets are not always comfortable and happy just because we are. We need to consider the comfort of every pet.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pädagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches :: German Essays

Selbstà ¼berschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pà ¤dagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches ABSTRACT: Teaching philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Freiburg from 1897 to 1933, Jonas Cohn fought mainly against Friedrich Nietzsche and the influence of the ethics of Nietzsche on the youth of his time. A declaration made by Cohn in the Preface of his Science of Value (1932) shows this: "The title 'science of value' means polemics, too: I fight against all, who following Nietzsche deny the possibility of a science of value." But this opposition to Nietzsche and to his followers is not the only aspect of Cohn's relation to Nietzsche. On the other side, Cohn attempted to integrate some of the important traits of Nietzsche's ethic in his own conception of philosophy and pedagogics. The expression "self-transcendence" (Selbstà ¼berschreitung) stands for this ambition of Cohn. This can be demonstrated by some biographical data and by the interpretation of Cohn's philosophy of value. "'Wertwissenschaft' ist auch polemisch gemeint: Ich kà ¤mpfe gegen alle, die im Gefolge Nietzsches eine Wissenschaft vom Werte leugnen." - Diese eindeutige Erklà ¤rung stellte der reife Jonas Cohn, Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler an der Università ¤t Freiburg von 1897 bis 1933, seiner "Wertwissenschaft" von 1932, seinem Hauptwerke, im Vorwort voran. Hat Jonas Cohn seine Lebensarbeit gegen Friedrich Nietzsche und dessen Wirkung ausgerichtet? Ich mà ¶chte diese, von Cohn selbst nahegelegte, Auffassung relativieren und aufweisen, daß Cohns Wertphilosophie und Erziehungslehre trotz weitreichender Differenzen Zà ¼ge Nietzschischen Geistes aufgenommen hat. Der Titel und Grundbegriff der Cohnschen Ethik "Selbstà ¼berschreitung" signalisiert nicht nur Parallelità ¤t und Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche; "Selbstà ¼berschreitung zeigt auch an, daß Cohn Intentionen Nietzsches, Momente des fà ¼r Nietzsche signifikanten Begriffs der "Selbstà ¼berwindung" in seine "objektive Wertlehre" à ¼bergefà ¼hrt hat. Ich werde zunà ¤chst anhand einiger biographischer Daten die Bedeutung Nietzsches fà ¼r Cohn wahrscheinlich machen, bevor der Inhalt der Wertphilosophie und Ethik Cohns selbst kurz zur Sprache kommen soll. Drei Momente sind auszufà ¼hren, die Cohn in seiner Biographie mit Nietzsche konfrontierten: Zeitliche und à ¶rtliche Nà ¤he zu Nietzsche und die persà ¶nliche Begegnung mit Denkern, die Cohn beeinflußten. Jonas Cohn (1869-1947) studierte nach einem glà ¤nzenden Abitur in Berlin (1888) zunà ¤chst in Leipzig, Heidelberg und Berlin Naturwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer experimentellen Arbeit in Botanik in Berlin 1892 zum Doktor der Philosophie. Nach der Promotion in Botanik wandte sich Cohn dem engeren Gebieten der Philosophie zu, ohne dabei zu unterlassen, seinem "geistigen Leben durch empirische Einzelarbeit gleichsam einen festen Unterbau zu schaffen". (SD, (1) S. 6) Diesen empirischen Unterbau erwarb sich Cohn in der experimentellen Psychologie bei Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) und Oswald Kà ¼lpe (1862-1915) in Leipzig, wo Cohn in den Jahren 1892 bis 94 am Psychologischen Institut arbeitete.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Understanding Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Social Networking

The fast development of social networking that has been detected over the last 2-3 years is indicative of its entry into straight life and it’s mixed with our daily lives. In addition to this, there has also been significant media coverage of the development of social networking, its rapid positive results and worries around the approach. For the purpose of this research report I have intentionally put light on the social and communications facets of social networking sites. The SNS also have some drawbacks associated, such as confusion over privacy settings, probable contact with people one doesn’t know and the unintentional penalties of publicly posting delicate individual material. The purpose of this report is therefore to provide evidence-based insights into the social networking phenomenon which can be used to inform current understanding of usage and societal impacts in the UK, and to help identify some of the current and potential future issues around people’s use of social networking sites. Like other communications tools, social networking sites have certain rules, conventions and practices which users have to navigate to make them understood and avoid difficulties. These range from the etiquette of commenting on other peoples profiles to understanding who one should and shouldn’t add as a ‘friend’. Conceptual Framework Engaging with Social Networking Sites The Social networking sites also preferred to as SNS in the document offer people new and diverse ways to communicate via the internet, from PC or mobile phone. According to Dwyer et al (2007), a social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or their activities. Today, there are more than 650 social network sites in the world (Stern, 2006), but no one knows exactly the number. Examples include MySpace, Facebook and Bebo. Creator of SNS authorized people to normally create their own online page, construct and show to online contacts called ‘friend’. According to Boyd (2004), reasons for connecting with friends in social network can be varied and doesn’t unavoidably mean friendship in the daily dialect sense. Users can communicate to other user with the help of their profile they have created. Social networking sites are built for users to interact for different purposes like business, general chatting, meeting with friends and colleagues, etc. SNS offer a gloriously direct tool for what Goffman(1972) calls â€Å"impression management†: the profile page. Just as your choice of clothing and hairstyle signals how you think of yourself (and want others to think of you), so does your choice of profile photo. Many users choose to display the most flattering photographs of themselves that they can. It is also helpful in politics, dating, with the interest of getting numerous advantages with the people they meet. Anecdotal evidence suggests that social interaction with political content of interest is important for young adults (e. g. , Steller, 2008). A study by Conners (2005) reported that Democratic Senate candidates were more likely than Republicans to use Meetup, blogs and other interactive online tools in 2004. (ssrn. om)Recently, the use of network sites has increased overtime with the improvement in technology and the use of mobile phone to surf the web and statistics have shown that 90% of people on the internet at one point in time or the other are visiting SNS (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). Attitudes and behaviours towards social networking sites Users of Social networkers fall into different groups Social networkers are different in approaches to SNS and in their behaviour while usin g them. The site users come under five distinct groups. These are as follows: * Leading Socialisers – (a minority) people who are using sites intentionally to encounter new folks, flirt and to be entertained. * Attention Seekers – (some) are those people who need attention and comments from others online, normally by posting photos and edit their profiles. * Followers – (many) are those people who joined SNS to follow what their peers are doing. * Faithful – (many) people who normally use SNS to renew old friendships, sometimes from school or university. Functional – (a minority) those person who wants to be single while using SNS for a specific purpose. * Focussed – (Mostly business users – Recently added user group) Some users of the sites will create the profile to research the market’s response in a specific geography for the predictions of their business in their geography. Also, as this is an easier way to reach a wider and global consumer base, many corporate houses globally a re using these social sites to advertise or endorse their products and promotions. Non-users comes under into different groups Non-users come under three groups; these are the group those who don’t use the SNS: * Concerned about safety – those people who are concerned about safety online, in specific creation personal details accessible online. According to Smith (2007), seven per cent of American sample said they had been contacted ‘by a stranger who made them feel scared or uncomfortable’. * Technically inexperienced – those people who don’t have knowledge for using internet and computer. Intellectual rejecters – people don’t have interest in SNS and think that it’s a waste of time. How people use social networking sites Profile Creation People normally create their profiles on the basis of their knowledge. User Profiles are normally set questioned as per the site, so it is very optional and depends upon the person what he needs to publish on the site. Normally Users enjoy editing their profiles, watch ing video, playing online games, posting photos. Users generally enjoy from the process of creating a social network, creating a list of friends and using friend’s list to browse profiles. Users share individual material with a wide range of ‘friends’. Communicating with their friends is the most famous social networking activity, but most of adults use their profile to communicate with people they do not know. A few users also mention negative aspects of social networking, and these included anger at others using sites for self-importance, parties organised online getting out of hand, and online bullying. Privacy and safety Privacy and safety issues on social networking sites did not emerge as ‘top of mind’ for most users. Information exchange activities operationalized as the activities of interaction among members of a community that acts as a source of information for other members to deepen and expand friendship (Gruen et al. , 2006. 2007). At most of the time Users of the SNS leaves privacy settings as default ‘open’. Generally those who are new, they give out sensitive personal information, photographs and other content about themselves. Sites define some subset of a profile (such as the user’s name and affiliation) visible by default for searching and identification. Most sites also allow users to relax or strengthen their definition of public information. Privacy expectations in social networks are based on relationships. Typical social networks support friends and networks with privileged access. (Felt, Adrienne, and Evans, David. (2008). Research Strategy I will do a qualitative research to examine in depth people’s attitudes to online social networking, their behaviours while using social networking ites, and the reasons why they use these sites. This will contain an analysis of the research based on several distinct user and non-user segments. Also, I will research on the positive aspects of social network in relation to marketing and research and use of SNS for global business empowerment. This qualitative research will find the use of and attitudes towards social networking sites (both for users and non-users) falling into several distinct segments. Although qualitative in nature, these segments provide an interesting insight into how people currently use and view social networking sites. They also help to highlight that site users are not a uniform group in terms of use, attitudes or behaviour. It will also explain the importance of the segments for users and non-users on different bases. User segments will be organised on the basis of how users will behave when using social networking sites and the non-user segments will be focused why they will stop using the basis of non-users’ reasons for not using the sites.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Miller vs Alabama - 1270 Words

Miller v. Alabama (2012) Supreme Court Case Introduction The Supreme Court reviewed the constitutionality of mandatory life sentences without parole enforced upon persons aged fourteen and younger found guilty of homicide. The court declared unconstitutional a compulsory sentence of life without parole for children. The states have been barred from routinely imposing sentences based on the crime committed. There is a requirement for individual consideration of the child life circumstance or the defendant status as a child. The court rejected the definite ban on life sentences without parole. This is because in some cases the instances may be uncommon, but jurors†¦show more content†¦That is why in Roper v. Simons, capital punishment for children was prohibited by the eighth amendment. In Graham v. Florida the eighth amendment also prohibited life sentence without parole for juvenile found guilty of non-homicide cases. This case further associated life sentence without parole for juvenile to death sentence. This suggested the secon d line of precedent that the court requires sentencing system to consider the details of the offence and characteristics of the defendant before sentencing him or her to death. The two line of precedents guide the court to conclude that life sentence without parole for juveniles in fringe on the eighth amendment. The court decision was influenced by Graham and Roper cases that established for sentencing reasons children are different from adults under the constitution. Children lack maturity and have no developed sense of responsibility. This leads them to be impulsive and reckless. In Roper it was held children are exposed to outside pressure and negative influences from friends. Therefore, they have less control of their environment because the child’s nature is not2 well informed. Graham and Roper emphasized distinguishing traits of children weakening justification for inflicting harsh sentences to juveniles even when they commit outrageous crimes. The court held in 5-4 majority that the eighth amendment forbids unusual andShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Violent Crime And Juvenile Crime Rates1720 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the legislation to have to act on what the people want and leads to changes in criminal justice policy. Mandatory Sentencing for Juveniles has changed drastically over the last 10 to 20 years and led to the revising of many laws. The case Graham vs. Florida, involved a 16 year old who committed armed burglary with assault or battery with attempted armed robbery both charges are felonies. These charges carry a maximum possibility of life without the possibility of parole plus 15 years in prisonRead MoreFood Disparagement Laws Essay1166 Words   |  5 Pageson grounds that the alleged defamation was directed at a product, and that food could not be defamed. 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